Friday, October 12, 2012

Today was cool even before I got to school. Mom had to go get a multi-phasic blood test done at this church nearby. She says it's so she can find out if she's healthy or not. So we had to get up early in order to get there before she had to take me to school. So when we got there, there was this really big table set up with all kinds of donuts and muffins and apple cider and milk. It was really exciting. She said I could have one donut while we waited for her to get her blood test. I picked a chocolate-covered one because I don't get those all of the time. She said I could get one for my lunchbox, too, so I picked a powdered sugar one for that. After she got her blood test, she took me to this restaurant that serves breakfast all day long until they close at 2 p.m. There were all of these big men sitting at the counter, which is where I would have liked to sit. Instead, we sat at a little table that just fit two people. Mom said I could pick out what I wanted so I asked the waitress for french toast and hot chocolate and a cup of ice water so I could put an ice cube in my cocoa if it was too hot.While we waited for the food, Mom said I could play with my toys at the table so I built a fort with the jelly packets and creamer bowl for my action guys. After we ate and mom went to go pay, she gave me a quarter and I got a peppermint patty from the jar they kept right by the cash register. Mom said I could have that after school. Then she drove me to school and it was really cool because I had already had a pretty good day!

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